Autumnalis Rosea at Georgia street (Willingdon to Boundary)

It’s time to visit Autumnalis Rosea, our winter-blooming cherries. The tiny blossoms are starting to open.

At Georgia street, between Willingdon and Boundary, you’ll find two dozen trees spread over eight blocks.  Closer to Willingdon, every five trees is an autumnalis rosea, but when you reach MacDonald, there are more and more trees closer together, which means more blossoms!

If your keep walking towards Ingleton, the city of Vancouver appears at the end of the street.

During my visit, birds were playing in the trees. I was showered with blossoms and petals.

Peak bloom. At this location, the flowers peak starting mid-January and should last 2 weeks. Visit on a sunny day for better pictures (Autumnalis Rosea look great with a blue sky!).

Wanna visit later?  You can expect to see autumnalis rosea at this location up till mid-March (sometimes later), but they’ll be in bad shape and the leaves will be out.


I’m also blogging for the Vancouver Chery Blossom Festival, so check out the VCBF Blossom Blog for more contents this spring.